Performance Max - ідеальний вибір для інтернет-магазину саджанців. Ця рекламна платформа забезпечує максимальну ефективність та видимість бренду, спрямовуючи рекламу до цільової аудиторії на різних онлайн-платформах, включаючи пошук Google, YouTube, мережу партнерів Google та мобільні додатки. Використання Performance Max дозволило збільшити обсяги продажів, підвищити конверсію та залучити нових клієнтів до інтернет-магазину саджанців.
Тип реклами
Performance Max
2021-до тепер
Media gallery images
For sharp design
Happy Quantum users
In two month
Cups of bracing coffee
To stay active
Lines of perfect code
Peaceful code
WowTaxi is a new, promising taxi service in the United States. It began its successful development in 2017, without any application or the ability to order a car through the site - all requests were accepted by live operators on the phone. The main problem of the customer was a large number of missed calls, which often led to the loss of potential customers.
The customer was looking for a solution to optimize and automate the work with its customer base.
For this purpose, WowTaxi asked me to develop a new website and mobile application, which the company’s CEO saw as a modern and more convenient way to place an order, work with applications and reduce the number of lost orders.
The result is a fairly simple and functional website and mobile application for Android and IOS platforms that allow the taxi drivers to manage their customer base and orders.The application provides full management with the ability to send push notifications.
In addition to the obvious, mandatory features such as ordering a taxi, managing orders and receiving notifications, the web & mobile app can also display information about customers (in the customer base) and their order history.Also the functionality of chat with the driver was implemented. Transfer of users and drivers to the new application began in March 2019.